Shiva is the God of Oneness

● The concept of “One God” is exclusive and leads to Gods competing amongst other Gods.

● The God of Oneness celebrates countless manifestations of the divine and gives all beings the possibility to expand and live as Gods and Goddesses. 

● Thinking “All is One” is limiting and leads to surface level beliefs while reinforcing centralized forms of control.

● Experiencing Oneness is individually empowering and supports natural law and cosmic harmony.

● The “One God” idea fosters judgmental attitudes and divisiveness.

● Experiencing God as Oneness encourages the sincere cooperation of all beings and respect for all spiritual paths to Truth.

● The idea of “The One life” is abstract and says No to the regeneration of life while waiting for some fantasy of future paradise.

● The experience of Oneness is direct and says Yes to the Eternal flowering of life while radiating from within life enhancing peace and wisdom.

● The “One Universe” is linear, historical, chaos leading to order, bondage leading to freedom.

● The Universe of Oneness is non-linear, beyond time and space, expansion leading to expansion, realizable every moment without the illusion of separation.

● The “God of One” is small, confined, limited by mental projections.

● The God of Oneness is vast, supremely independent, felt through meditating with awareness and compassion.

● The “spiritual” concept “Everything is One” flattens out the infinite terrain of spiritual experience and ignores the uniqueness of expression and practical effectiveness of different traditions, teachings, teachers and Enlightened Beings.

● The spiritual experience of Oneness heals and awakens the mind and body, relationships with others, the environment, the world and the Cosmos.

● The God of Oneness includes any concept of God or Life as One while inspiring all beings to evolve into the direct experience of Oneness.